“Dones -Mujeres- en la Kasba”, the third vinyl from Kasba Music’s 20th anniversary commemorative collection, is now out. It is a compilation of eleven of the female voices that have passed through Kasba Music these twenty years, the most eclectic album musically speaking of the collection and the first to claim the work done in that time by the label (remember that the first two – Fermin Muguruza Kontrabanda “En directe sense censura” and Pixamandúrries “Dels rics i dels pobres” – focused on the importance of music in the previous lives of the two Kasba managers).

“This album that you have in your hands shows us some of the creators who have left their mark on Kasba. They are artists who, like the label that hosts them, are and show themselves to be diverse, free from stylistic constraints and aware that music is a long-distance race, sometimes stimulating, other times exhausting, they have made themselves reluctant to fall into the grip of capitalism in the music industry.
Pioneers like Amparo Sánchez, a tireless music worker, (…) always brave, unbribable, as are Anouk Chauvet and Laia Cardó from Fufü-Ai, (…) Marinah, who after the disappearance of Ojos de Brujo began her solo career with flamenco and Latin rhythms as her flag, rhythms, by the way, that Maruja Limón also carry in their DNA, (…) a diverse feminism. regarding origins, genders, cultures. A shared feminism where Mabel Flores and Ginestà are also found with a subtle language that plays at the same time to raise awareness and excite, (…) Mürfila doesn’t want to look at the past either. The artist who has worked in the musical and audiovisual sector from different aspects has never wanted to accommodate or bend to the demands of an industry that wants profitability and here Mürfila goes her way, she enjoys and wins.
We continue the journey through Kasba’s catalogue, Nakany Kanté is the ambassador of Mandinka music thanks to her musical project where she mixes traditional music from her country Guinea Conakry with pop. (…) Balkan music goes hand in hand with swing and jazz with a multi-band, Xazzar, where we find a seminal Clara Peya, just out with her colleagues from the High School of Music of Catalonia and who show the great musical talent that we have in our country(…) the blackest and most urban musicians such as Aiala, one of the youngest voices in the Kasba (…) a bad ass incapable of deciding on the soul, rap or funk, (…) the genius and imagination of La Kinky Beat.

Maruja Limón, Marinah, Amparo Sánchez, Mabel Flores, Nakany Kanté, Ginestà, La Kinky Beat, Aiala, Xazzar, Fufü-Ai, Mürfila are some of the many women who have entered Kasba as a result of the curiosity of a record company that has known capture what was happening on the street, on the stages. A record company that from the first moments opted for emergencies that in 20 years have been building a large part of the history of our popular musical.
Congratulations and thank you.”
Consol Saenz